How to Stop Natural Hair Crown Breakage

You're here because your type 4 crown is a problem or stubborn area for you. You are not alone. Natural hair crown breakage is one of those frustrating realities of having natural hair! If you have coily type 4 hair strands, hair breakage at the crown can be devastating.

Type 4 natural hair is already naturally prone to knots, tangles and dryness. When you add hair breakage to the mix, it can worsen your issues. Here are 3 of my best tips to stop natural hair crown breakage in its tracks. 

Focus on hydration 

The crown of your head is often exposed to elements that could be detrimental to healthy hair growth. The UV rays from the sun, for example, can dry out your scalp and make your hair brittle and prone to splitting and breakage. On wash days, take steps to ensure that your crown gets extra TLC.

You can do this by investing in quality, moisturizing deep conditioners to remedy this issue. Be sure that your crown is well-coated with a deep conditioner. Since it can be an area that is dry and hard to see, apply an additional coating of conditioner as needed. Also, do make scalp massages a regular habit. 

Section out your crown and care for it 

The way you part your hair can cause crown breakage. Consider how often you part your hair in the same pattern. Many women tend to part down the middle in four quadrants. This practice can leave the middle part of your head completely exposed.

Excessively pulling the hair in different directions results in tension and breakage. Try switching up your parting to fix this issue. You can do this by sectioning out your crown and caring for it separately. Doing so can help to alleviate scalp sensitivity and tension. 

Ditch the combs & try finger detangling instead

Using combs may make matters worse for a dry and brittle crown. Dry hair is often more prone to knots and tangles. The use of combs and detangling brushes may rip through your hair, which impedes your length retention efforts. It can also lead to having a more sensitive scalp.

Try finger detangling your crown instead. Finger detangling gives you the ability to find and work through any knots and tangles with ease. You also have greater control over your detangling efforts.

If you need help in addressing your natural hair issues, check out the services offered at The Coil Coach to see how we can work together!

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